Gleneagles - Members' Practice 9th-10th September

Saturday, we had Jim G supervising, with Trish W, Bob P and new member Paul McG.  The same small group were present on Sunday, minus Bob.
We had a stretch of about 80m of field wall to choose sections in need of repair. Collapsed sections were mostly pushed by adjacent trees and their roots, exacerbated by the occasional adventurous sheep. It was a lovely site, with beautiful views of the Glen. The weather was rather steamy, and we were glad to be in the shade. The stone was very varied in size, shape and type. Lots of it, but not necessarily the one needed. Some were very big, so taking areas down meant a good shove then stand clear letting gravity do the work. We surprised ourselves by how much we achieved, making at least two thirds of the wall more respectable and leaving some sections alone that were reasonable..


Merryhill Training course 23rd-24th September


Burmieston Members' Practice 2nd-3rd September